Monday, June 6, 2011

Finding the Right Internship

The internship application process can be very stressful and overwhelming. The purpose of this post is to share my experience, tips, and to answer common questions that may arise.

My Strategy

When I started looking for an internship I didn’t know what population I wanted to work with, I liked them all! I also didn’t know where I wanted to be located. I have lived in Florida all of my life and maybe I want a new state, a new city? Needless to say it was easy to put off applying since it was such a big decision. Big Mistake! Be proactive.

Everyone picks where they apply differently, but since I wasn't limited on location I wanted to look at all of my options. First thing I did was look at the AMTA Internship Roster and started eliminating the sites by:
1. Population
2. Location
3. Philosophy of Music Therapy (This requires some research).
Then I started emailing directors for more information and an application. After some research, I had an idea of my top choices, and I started applying to my top three sites.
 **Don't forget about university affiliated internships. I am currently at an internship affiliated with FSU. You will need to speak with your MT Director to find out about these internships.

Be Proactive
  • Do the research early.
  • Try to have an idea of where you want to go as soon as you can.
  • Check due dates now- some internship applications are due 6 months-1 year before it starts. Know when your deadlines are.
  • I had my applications proofread by a handful of people before I sent them off. In my opinion, the little things such as spelling and grammar are important.
  • Emailing- When conversing with Internship directors, proofread your emails before you send them out. My supervisor said she looks at everything when deciding on interns, especially professionalism in emails.
The Interview
  1. Dress appropriately
  2. Be prompt, polite and professional
  3. Be prepared
  1. What if after my internship I want to work in a different population?
           That's okay! I thought it would be hard to find a job in a population you have not interned with. If you talk to professionals about past job experiences some have done it all! 

    2. What if I don't get an internship?
          This can be a scary question for students applying. I'm a firm believer in what is meant to happen will happen. If you get turned down by your top three choices, keep applying. Have backups and if you apply early then you will have time to apply to other sites before the deadline. A lot of internships also start in January so you can always reapply to your top choice. A good idea is that if you do get declined, to email the director and ask for things to work on for your next interview or application. I'm sure they will gladly give feedback. If you are worried and have asked this question, apply early so you have more chances to intern when you want to!

     3. What if I need help financially?

         There are scholarships out there for interns! You just need to find them! If you are an AMTA student member you can log onto the website and find scholarships you can apply for. Check it out!

I hope this helps, if you have questions or have anything to add please comment!

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