Saturday, June 25, 2011

Building Relationships With Other Professionals

I love my field and how established it is. We have amazing research and work together to better our profession. Another thing I have noticed, which is something that isn't taught in the classroom is the amount of compassion, professionalism, and courtesy MT has. The professionals set the standard for this and it is passed down to all interns during the internship.

I am so lucky to have a supervisor that has worked very hard to build relationships with everyone that works in the hospital. She is a great model for me to observe. My supervisor treats everyone in the hospital with the utmost respect, from the physicians to the cleaning crew. She has really established the etiquette of professionalism when working in this setting. For example, whenever she receives a referral she makes sure to say thank you afterward and let's them know how the patient did.
Typically, (being the awkward person that I am) I pass people in the hallways and never know if I should make eye contact, say hi, etc. Now after observing my supervisor, I make sure to say Hi to everyone with a smile. Even in elevators I try to make a friendly conversation. You never know whom you encounter in the hallway; you could be passing someone that could put a good word in for you. So it is very important to make a good first impression the very first time they see you.

Building relationships is so important, not only for you but for everyone else in the field. You put a face to music therapy. When you are polite and courteous, physicians are more willing to make referrals. I have seen that once you receive a few referrals on a unit, they multiply when people see what you do. Word of mouth is another great way information can get passed for MT.

This is a great skill to attain, especially for new MT programs. Just remember, the little things really do count. It takes time to gain respect from all of your fellow employees, especially when they don't understand what music therapy is. But it is a whole lot easier to put your foot in the door when you show them courtesy and professionalism.

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